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Do we live two lifes at ones ?

Social media helps us to keep in touch with friends and family, it gives us the opportunity to express ourselfs and to share with the world different moments of our life. But, what seems to be a good thing can also be the worst problem for humanity. We have a bunch of  different social media apps to choose from, one of the most popular apps is INSTAGRAM, I am sure you all have seen at least once these skinny Instagram models with the hashtag ''instamodel'', ''nomakeupon'', ''vegan'', well, let me tell you the real tea sis! All these FAKE photoshoped dolls are just as human as you are, they are living the same life as you do and I guarantee you  that their life IS NOT as perfect as it seems to be! They will NEVER post about how bad their day was or how hard is to pay the rent. You might think '' yeah, but they still look like models'', I promise you that the picture you saw was photoshoped 100 times and then added a filter on. You need to stop comparing yourself to others. You need to focus on your life, this is the only REAL thing that matters! Be more present in real life and spend your time and days with real people and show your real love to real humans instead of clicking the heart button on Instagram! Be careful who you talk to on social media, you never know if the person you talk to is a predator or not. You need to stop sending your nudes, you are not a slave, you are putting yourself in a huge danger when you do that, you never know what's about to happen after you send your pictures ! Also, I now love is a big feeling and one of the most magical energy the universe could give us, but i also know that dating online isn't always the best thing to experience, this can give you really bad depression and it causes anxiety and antisocial behaviour! Having an online relationship can affect your mental helth, you become more suspicious, then you start having trust issues. Life sometimes  is hard, but the last thing you need to do when life sucks is to get on your phone to see how good you followers are doing and the hate your hatters throw at you! ALWAYS remember the feeling of sadness is going to disappear in a short time, a lot of people end up hurting themselves when they feel sad or when someone hate on them, we need to stop giving fucks about what bad people have to say about us, words don't last more than one second, just let it go, if you don't fell comfortable, just leave, Always remember, you never know what someone is dealing with, show love to stop yourself from showing hate!  


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